
All About The Sex Magazine

This site was created to have a fun, informative, uncensored, sex-positive place to discover and consume content related to sex and sexuality, including items such as nudity, body art, kink etc.


We were inspired by the long running documentary, HBO’s Real Sex. The show always found interesting topics and people and kept a fun, positive vibe. We aren’t ready to produce a video series (yet!), so we will start here.


A lot of informative sexuality are censored to one extent or another. On HBO’s Real Sex they got away with quite a bit, but still couldn’t show everything. On public sites like YouTube, there are definitely limits on what can be shown. And in some cases, it seems the producers stop short at certain points, maybe because they don’t want their material to be too porn-ish (yeah right).

The Sex Magazine takes the position that if we are going to talk about sex, and show images or videos, then there shouldn’t need to be a limit. We may not cover all topics, but for ones we do cover, we won’t cut away just as it gets good.


There is certainly a lot of bad news regarding sex and sexuality. We feel that is covered quite thoroughly elsewhere. We want to have a place where we can feel good about sex and show the positive aspects of sex in our lives. We also want a place where both men and women can enjoy.


This isn’t a porn site…However we do provide uncensored content and links to videos and respectful adult content.